Frå Esnoga.no
Mizraḥím eller mizraḥiske jødar er eit fellesnamn for jødar som hovudsakleg stammar frå arabiskspråklege land som Irak og Egypt og frå andre land i Asia som Iran. Kulturelt sett er mizraḥisk religion og kultur meir eller mindre påverka av sefardisk jødedom. Syrisk jødedom er sterkt prega av både sefardisk og mizraḥisk jødedom. I denne artikkelen blir dei gruppert saman med mizraḥiske jødar.
- The Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center - om irakisk jødedom. Ved Khalastchi Eliahu.
- Iraqi Jews from Baghdad - heimeside for irakiske jødar i eksil: “This site is dedicated to the Jews of Iraq who left Baghdad during the 1960’s and 1970’s. We are dispersed all over the world: Israel, UK, USA, Canada, Holland, Australia, ... This is the place to share memories and stories and to look for lost friends.” Alt. link: come.to/iraqijews.
- Ben Porat Yosef — The Sephardic Yeshiva of Bergen County - ein sefardisk og mizraḥisk privatskule i New Jersey i USA.
- Bnai Sefarad - “Lists Sepharadi/Mizrachi congregations and organizations around the world and links to sites of interest to Sephardim.”
- BSZ Homepage of Orthodox Sephardic Jews - inneheld hundrevis av linkar om historie, genealogi (slektsforsking), mat, musikk og religion.
- Judaic Seminar (New York, USA) - artiklar om jødedom og halakhá frå eit primært mizraḥisk synspunkt, med hovudvekt på syrisk tradisjon. Svært fin kjelde!
- Halakhot (New York, USA) frå det syrisk-jødiske Judaic Seminar i Brooklyn, New York.
- Zvi Zohar: «Sephardic Halakha As an Alternate Paradigm for Authentic Jewish Continuity» (Jerusalem, Israel) - “In this article, I shall attempt to characterize the response of Sephardic rabbis to the challenges of modernity. My general thesis is that their response is different, in significant and interesting ways, from that of their Ashkenazic-European peers. Moreover, the modalities of this ‘difference’ suggest valuable alternate paths of Jewish authenticity, beyond the denominational schism that has shattered Occidental Jewish life in modern times.” Av Zvi Zohar, Shalom Hartman Institute, Jerusalem.
Minhàg Miṣrájim
- Congregation Ahaba Ve Ahva, Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, New York, USA - ““Prepare for holidays & events, catch up on your halachot, and become a better Jew with our traditions according to Minhag Missrayim. Ahaba.org is your connection to Torah and to the community. You can now ask our Rabbis any question you like and receive an answer according to our halacha and custom. Wherever you may be: home, office or traveling, stay in touch with Ahaba.org!”