Synagogar på ekstreme breiddegrader


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Dei nordligaste jødiske samfunna i verda:

Breiddegrad Stad Menigheit(er)
68° 58' N Murmansk i Russland
64° 52' N Fairbanks i Alaska
64° 33' N Arkhangelsk i Russland
64° 30' N Nome i Alaska
63° 25' N Trondheim i Noreg
62° 28' N Yellowknife i Northwest Territories i Canada
  • Arctic Jewish Community Association
62° 10' N Jakutsk i Jakutija (Sibir)
61° 10' N Anchorage i Alaska
  • Congregation Beth Sholom (Reform)
  • Lubavitch Jewish Center of Alaska / Congregation Shomrei Ohr (Lubavitch) - tel. +1 907 279-1200
60° 43' N Whitehorse i Yukon
  • Jewish Historical Society of Whitehorse, Yukon
60° 10' N Helsinki (Helsingfors) i Finland
59° 57' N Oslo i Noreg
59° 57' N Petersburg i Russland
59° 37' N Tallinn i Estland
59° 20' N Stockholm i Sverige


Dei sørligaste jødiske samfunna i verda

Breiddegrad Stad Menigheit
33° 27' S Santiago i Chile
  • ?
33° 55' S Cape Town i Sør-Afrika
34° 35' S Buenos Aires i Argentina
  • ca 200 000 jødar
36° 52' S Auckland på New Zealand
36° 50' S Concepción i Chile
  • ?
38° 00' S Mar del Plata i Argentina
  • ca 4 000 jødar.
38° 43' S Bahía Blanca i Argentina
  • ca 4 000 jødar.
38° 45' S Temuco i Chile
  • ?
40° 45' S Valdivia i Chile
  • ?
41° 17' S Wellington, New Zealand
42° 40' S Hobart i Tasmania
  • Hobart Synagogue (Hobart Hebrew Congregation)
    Argyle Street
    Tel.: (03) 6234 4720
    “Built by the congregation of the York Street Synagogue of Sydney in 1845, the edifice displays an Egyptian Revival exterior, and a Victorian interior. The synagogue is the oldest still standing, and from its apex in the early 19th century when it vouched the second largest congregation in the colony, the community since then has greatly diminished.”
43° 33' S Christchurch på New Zealand
45° 52' S Dunedin, New Zealand