Grace Aguilar: «Sabbath Thoughts III»
«Sabbath Thoughts III»
(1844) by Grace Aguilar
- And is there peace and rest in heaven,
And wilt Thou never leave me, Lord?
Tho’ this fair earth has never given,
To yearning hearts, one answering word?
- And is’t with Thee our souls shall find
The craving void of suffering filled—
The throbbing pulse, the care-worn mind,
The anguish’d heart, be hush’d and still’d?
- Oh breathe thy promise, Lord of Peace,
My spirit yearns and craves for Thee,
I pray not sorrow’s pang to cease,
Let me but feel Thou art with me!
- Let me but clasp again the Love
Thou did’st vouchsafe, erewhile to me,
When first my soul look’d up above,
And pined and thirsted, Lord, for Thee!
- Oh leave me not, forsake me not!
Unto my own rebellious will,
Whate’er of trial cloud my lot,
Let me but love Thee, trust Thee still!
- Keep me but constant in my trust,
Father! oh grant it fail not now,
Lest sinking prostrate in the dust,
Despair and doubt should cloud my brow.
- Again, again the waves of Life
Are o’er me rushing in their might,
Whose troubled currents’ storm and strife,
Hurl my weak spirit back to night.
- I deem’d the gleam of heav’n, that stole,
When prostrate on my couch I lay,
Had left sweet peace upon my soul,
To strengthen’t for a darker day.
- But it hath pass’d, and left no sign,
The struggle, duty to fulfil,
Has robbed me of the bliss divine,
Which smiled, when weariness chained me still.
- Oh, if no comfort be mine own,
Father, still fix my hope on Thee!
Till I may feel thy love alone,
And break thy chains and set me free.
- ’Tis but to try my faltering faith,
Thou dost awhile thy presence veil,
Yet tho’ thy worm be tried to death,
My trust, my hope, shall never fail.
- Back, back unto the waves of Life,
My shrinking soul, still firmly on!
What if the path, with storm be rife?
The crown of faith may yet be won!
- In his own time, my yearning cry,
Shall pierce his radiant courts of love,
And faith shall change to pray’r each sigh,
That wings its quivering flight above.
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